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[電子儀表] KENWOOD CS-4025-20MHz示波器服務手冊 翻譯本

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KENWOOD CS-402520MHz示波器服務手冊    翻譯本


SAFETY—page 6
Before connecting the instrument to a powersource , carefully read the following information , then verify that the properpower cord is used and the proper line fuse is installed for power source .Ifthe power cord is not applied for specified voltage , there is always a certainamount of danger from electric shock .


This instrument operates using ac-powerinput voltages that 100/120/220/240 V at frequencies from 50 Hz to 60 Hz.


The ground wire of the 3-wire ac power plugplaces the chassis and housing of the oscilloscope at earth ground . Do notattempt to defeat the ground wire connection or float the oscilloscope ; to doso may pose a great safety hazard . The appropriate power cord is supplied byan option that is specified when the instrument is ordered .
The optional power cords are shown asfollows in Fig . 1 .


The fuse holder is located inside theinstrument or on the rear panel and contains the line fuse. Verify that theproper fuse is installed by replacing the line fuse.


This oscilloscope may be operated from a100 V to 240 V , 50/60 Hz power source. Use the following procedure to changefrom 100 to 240 volt operation or vice versa.
1.     Remove the fuse.
2.     Replace fuse F 1 with a fuse ofappropriate value, 0.8 amp for 100 VAC to 120 VAC operation, 0.5 amp for 220VAC to 240 VAC operation.
3.     Reinsert it for appropriatevoltage range.
4.     When performing the reinsertionof fuse holder for the voltage conversion, the appropriate power cord should beused.(See Fig.  1.)

該示波器可以從100伏到240伏,50/60 Hz電源操作。使用下列程序,從100到240伏的操作,反之亦然。
2.更換融合的適當值的保險絲F1,0.8放大器的100伏到120伏交流電操作,220 VAC至240 VAC的運作為0.5安培。


The attenuators of channel 1 and 2basically consist of rotary switches and passive elements (resistors,condensers, and trimmer condensers) on PC boards. The resistors have aprecision of 0.5% for minimizing any error between the steps of theattenuators.


Vertical input signals from the BNC inputreceptacle enter the first-stage attenuator circuit, along the path selected bythe AC-GND-DC switch. Then they pass through either attenuator 1/1, 1/10, or1/100, along the path selected by the vertical rotary switch, and become inputinto the 1st preamplifier (first-stage buffer amplifier).


The 1st preamplifier consists ofU1 and Q1  (CH2 : U2 and Q2). The elementused for U1 features a wide dynamic range and minimized temperature drifting.U1 functions in the preamplifier as a circuit in which temperature drifting isconsidered. Input signals, impedance converted in this buffer amplifier, arcsent to the second-stage attenuator where they are passed through eitherattenuator 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, or 1/10. They are then sent to the verticalamplifier. The second-stage attenuator constitutes a low impedance resistancenetwork with favorable frequency characteristics. The resistors used, as isthose of the first-stage attenuator, have a precision of 0.5% for minimizingany error between the steps of the attenuators. The rotary switches in thisstage include one which increases the gain of the preamplifier to 5-fold whenthe sensitivity is 1 mV/div or 2 mV/div.

U1和Q1(CH:U2和Q2)1前置放大器組成。元素用於U1的功能很寬的動態範圍,並盡量減少溫度漂移。 U1中的前置放大器溫度漂移在其中被認為是電路的功能。輸入信號,在此緩衝放大器轉換阻抗,電弧發送到第二階段的衰減或者衰減1/1,1/2,1/4,1/10,通過他們在那裡通過。然後將它們發送到垂直放大器。第二階段的衰減器構成的低阻抗電阻網絡具有良好的頻率特性。使用的電阻,是第一階段的衰減,有0.5%的精度,為最大限度地減少衰減器的步驟之間的任何錯誤。在這個階段,旋轉開關,包括增加前置放大器的增益為5倍時,靈敏度為1 mV /格或2 mV /格。

Q1 (Q2) is provided in the input circuit asa diode equivalent for protecting the elements (U1 and U2) during a greatamplitude input.


TC1 (51) and TC3 (53) are input capacitanceregulators for attenuator 1/10 and 1/100, respectively; while TC2 (52) and TC4(54) are 1 KHz square wave characteristic regulators for attenuator 1/10 and1/100. VR1 (51) and VR2 (52) are step DC balance regulators for attenuators,the former is for user use with adjustment enabled from the front panel.

TC1的(51)和TC3(53)衰減1/10和1/100,分別是輸入電容調節; TC2的(52)和TC4(54)1 kHz方波的特徵調節衰減器的1/10和1 / 100。 VR1的(51)和VR2(52)一步衰減直流平衡調節,前者是用戶從面板中啟用調整使用。

Signals output from the attenuator circuitsare then input into the 2nd preamplifier which consists of a U3 (4)hybrid IC. This IC, with a gain of approximately 12-fold, is an amplifier forsuppressing DC level temperature drifting. When the sensitivity is either 1mV/div or 2mV/div, the gain is further increased another 5-fold (sum ofapproximately 60-fold) as a result of the gain resistivity of U3 (4) being switchedover by the second attenuator switches S1 d and e. VR3 (53) is the regulatorfor the DC offset which occurs during this time. Setting the 5-fold gain isdone by a resistor with a 1% precision and a non-regulated operation isachieved. VR4 (54) and VR5 (55) sre 1 KHz square wave characteristic regulatorsfor the sensitivity of 1mV/div and 2mV/div.

從衰減器電路的信號輸出,然後輸入到一個U3(4)混合集成電路組成的第二前置。本IC,增益約12倍,是抑制DC級溫度漂移放大器。當靈敏度為1 mV/ div或2mV/div,增益是進一步提高作為U3的增益電阻被切換第二衰減器(4),另外5倍(約60倍的總和)開關S1 D和E。 VR3的(53)是在此期間發生的直流偏移調節。設置5倍的增益由電阻與1%的精度,並實現非規範運作。 VR4(54)和調VR5(55)SRE1 kHz的方波為1mV/div和2mV/div的靈敏度特性監管。

Signals which become sufficiently amplifiedin the 2nd preamplifier pass through the vertical axis sensitivityvariable circuit, constituted by the volume of the attenuator rotary switch,and then become input into the 3rd amplifier. The 3rdamplifier is a U5 (6) hybrid IC. Signals input into this amplifier become ascomplementary signals 33 and are output to the 4th amplifier aselectric current signals. The IC contains the CH1 (CH2) position circuit. CH2INV circuit, and CH switch circuit. These are controlled by the CH1 (CH2)position volume and CH2 INV switch on the panel unit (X66-1100-00) and thevertical mode switch signals coming from the horizontal side.

通過垂直軸靈敏度可變電路變得足夠在第二趟前置放大信號,所構成的音量衰減旋轉開關,然後進入第三放大器的輸入。第三放大器(6)1 U5的混合集成電路。該放大器的輸入信號轉換成33互補信號,並成為第四放大器的電流信號輸出。該IC包含的CH1(CH2)位置電路。 CH2 INV的電路,和CH開關電路。這些被控制的CH1(CH2)的交易量和CH2 INV的開關面板上的單位(X66-1100-00)和垂直模式開關信號水平方面。

VR57 is a sensitivity regulator for CH2signals while TC6 and TC56 are frequency characteristic regulators for CH1 andCH2, respectively.


CH1 (CH2) trigger signals from the 3rdterminal of U5 (6) become amplified in the feedback amplifier in Q16 (19).These trigger signals are converted into electric current signals in Q17 (20)and sent to the trigger source switch on the horizontal side. CH1 triggersignals become amplified between the collector of Q16 and Q18 and in turnbecome output as CH1 out signals via the emitter follower of Q23. In contrast,CH2 trigger signals become amplified between the collectors in Q19 to Q21,become X-axis signals by being passed through the emitter follower in Q22,converted into electric current signals in VR151 and R182, and in turn outputinto the horizontal signal switch circuit on the horizontal side. VR151 is thesensitivity regulator of X signals while VR152 is an X position regulator for regulatingthe DC level of X signals.

通道1(CH2)的觸發信號(6)從U5的第三終端成為Q16(19)反饋放大器在放大。這些觸發信號轉換成電流信號的Q17(20),發送到觸發源開關上水平方面。 CH1的觸發信號成為收藏家之間的Q16和Q18,反過來又成為CH1輸出信號通過Q23的發射極跟隨輸出放大。相比之下,CH2觸發信號放大到成為收藏家之間的Q19 Q21的,成為X軸信號,通過射極跟隨器通過在Q22轉換成電流信號VR151和R182,反過來輸出入水平的信號開關電路上水平方面。 VR151是X信號的靈敏度調節VR152是一個規範的X信號的直流電平的X位置調節。

The electric current signals which wereswitched over in the 3rd amplifier are input into the 4thamplifier consisting of Q4 and Q5. After becoming amplified they are directlyinput into the output amplifier as voltage signals. The 4thamplifier is a feedback amplifier which features minimized fluctuation in thefrequency characteristics even when the 3rd amplifiers of CH1 andCH2 are parallel-connected during ADD. Also, the vertical output amplifier canbe driven by low output impedance. Q3 becomes turned on during ADD. Theoperating current is passed through R103, R104, and VR101 so that the operatingcurrent in the 4th amplifier does not become fluctuated when theoperating currents from the 3rd amplifiers of CH1 and CH2 flow intothe 4th amplifier. VR101 is the ADD balance regulator.


VR102 is the balance regulator of +Y and –Yon the CRT. Adjustment is made so that the luminescent line comes to the centerof the CRT.

VR102 是 + Y和Y對CRT的平衡調節。作出調整,使發光中心的CRT。

Signals output from the 4thamplifier are amplified about 45-fold in the output amplifier, Q6 through Q15,and drive the Y deflecting plate of the CRT.


This output amplifier is feedback amplifier.The final stage Q12 and Q14 are driven by complimentary emitter followers Q8and Q10,Q9 and Q11, respectively. By doing so, the linearity of the first andlast transition high frequencies is improved and the input impedance is madehigher. Q13 and Q15 work to obtain sufficient gain during constant-current lossin Q12 and Q14, respectively. Negative feedback is sufficiently applied aswell. Consequently, this circuit achieves low impedance output of largeamplitude signals with good linearity.

此輸出放大器,反饋放大器。 Q12和Q14的最後階段是免費發射的追隨者Q8和Q10的,Q9和Q11,分別驅動。這樣,第一個和最後一個過渡高頻率的線性得到改善,並輸入阻抗更高。Q13和Q15工作過程中獲取足夠的增益,Q12和Q14恆流損失分別。充分應用以及負反饋。因此,該電路實現低阻抗輸出,具有良好的線性大振幅信號。

VR103 is a sensitivity regulator based onCH1 signals for the entire vertical amplifier. TC101 is a frequencycharacteristic regulator for the entire vertical amplifier in general and forthe output amplifier in particular. VR104 is the operating point voltageregulator for the output amplifier.

VR103是基於整個垂直放大器CH1信號靈敏度調節。 TC101是整個一般的垂直放大器和輸出放大器,特別是頻率特性調節。 VR104是穩壓輸出放大器的工作點。


The horizontal system can be roughlydivided up into the trigger circuit, sweep circuit, output circuit, andblanking circuit. The TRIG SOURCE switch on the panel unit drivers triggersource switch circuits Q311-Q314, D202-D205, and Q202. Desired trigger signalscan be elected. The trigger source switch Selected synchronizing signals aresent to the trigger level setting circuits Q204-Q206 and U202a via the emitterfollower in Q201. The trigger level setting circuit constitutes a Schmittcircuit and its threshold level can be adjusted by VOLUME for trigger levelsetting on the panel unit.


Signals are sent to Q207-Q211 forvideo-synch separation via C206. Q207, D206 and D207 are polarity switchcircuits and Q209 is a synch tip clamper. Q211 is a switch circuit for verticalsynchronizing signal separation.

C206 Q207-Q211通過視頻同步分離信號發送。 Q207,D206和D207是極性開關電路和Q209是同步的尖端夾具。 Q211是一個垂直同步信號分離開關電路。

Either ordinary synchronizing signals orvideo-synch signals become selected at U202c and the sweep gate flip-flopbecomes activated.


Gate signals from U204b turn Q221 ON/OFF inboth AUTO and NORM modes and control the sweep HIC in U201. The interior ofU201 comprises a comprises a constant-current charged type ramp wave generatingcircuit and its time constant becomes determined by an S201 code and C215 orC216. If the S201 code is below 1 ms/div, the time constant adjustment circuitin Q219 becomes activated and VR201 contributes in determining the timeconstant as well.

從U204b門信號打開/ Q221關在AUTO和規範模式和U201掃描閥組控制。 U201內部包括一個由一個恆流充電式斜波產生電路,其時間常數變為S201兩款代碼和C215或C216確定。如果S201兩款的代碼是低於1毫秒/格,時間常數調整電路中的Q219成為激活和VR201在確定的時間,以及不斷貢獻。

If there are no trigger signals during theAUTO mode, the AUTO circuits in Q212-Q214 work and generate sweep gatesautomatically.


U201 does not generate ramp waves as thesweep gate becomes shut by U205b in the X-Y mode.


Q216-Q218, U205b and U205c determine theupper limit and hold off time of ramp waves.


Ramp waves from U201 become output as sweepsignals via Q222. Sweep signals and X-axis signals, the latter from thevertical system, become selected by switching circuit Q223, Q224, Q226, andQ227. They are then applied to output systems after Q301.



When horizontal signals are input into Q301and voltage signals, corresponding to the horizontal position, are input intoQ306, differential signals become generated by the collectors in Q305 and Q308,Q309 and Q310. Q310-Q311 are feedback amplifiers for constant-current load.They constitute horizontal output amplifiers which feature good linearity andlow power consumption. Q315 and Q316 become conductive during X10MG andincrease the horizontal amplifier gain to 10-fold.

當水平信號輸入到Q301和電壓信號,相應的水平位置,輸入到Q306,成為由Q309Q305Q308在收藏家,和2010年第三季產生差分信號。 Q310-Q311是恆流負載反饋放大器。他們構成的水平輸出放大器,具有良好的線性度和低功耗。 Q315Q316成為導電在X10MG和放大器的增益水平提高到10倍。

Signals from the horizontal outputamplifier are sent to the horizontal deflecting plate of the CRT via P7.



Blanking system circuits generate blankingsignals for the CRT and signals witch switch each channel in the verticalsystem. A CHOP transmitter (approx.5000 kHz) constitutes U206a and U206b.Signals from the CHOP transmitter and sweep gate signals become selected atU203b, whereby CHOP signals are selected during a CHOP operation, while sweepgate signals are selected during an ACT operation. The selected signals aredivided into 1/2 in U204b, which is T-shaped flip-flop connected, and becomechannel switching signals.


In contrast, signals from the CHOPtransmitter and sweep gate negative-phase signals (U204b Q-signals) are turnedinto blanking signals in Q230 and U205a. They are then sent to the blankingamplifier in the power supply system.



The power supply system includes the lowvoltage circuit and blanking circuit.


LowVoltage Circuit

U1 constitutes an HIC for controlling 4circuit lines consisting of those for +/-8V, +140V, and +5V, Each voltagebecomes determined based on -8V.

U1構成4+/-8V+140 V時,和+5 V組成的電路線控制閥組,每個電壓變為確定的基礎上,8V

U1 constitutes an HIC for controlling 4circuit lines consisting of those for +/-8 V, +140 V, and +5V, Each voltagebecomes determined based on -8V.
U1構成的控制電路線+/ -8 V時,+140 V+5 V的人士組成,每個電壓變為確定的基礎上,8V閥組。

Switching signals for CAL output areextracted from the output of +140V rectifier diode D1.


The +10V circuits ,D6 and C10, are unstableand constitute a power source for the horizontal sweep HIC.

+10 V的電路,D6和C10,是不穩定的,構成一個水平掃描HIC的電源。

HighVoltage Blanking Circuit

Q8 oscillates at approximately 50 KHzapplying the reactance of the converter transformer. The oscillation voltageappearing in the high voltage coil are turned into stable -1800 V in thevoltage doubler rectifier circuits C25, C26, D9, and D10, and in rectifiercircuits Q9 and U2a. The coil of the CRT heater is switched on by signals fromR52.

Q8的,振盪申請換流變壓器的電抗在大約50千赫。出現在高電壓線圈的振盪電壓變成穩定-1800至五電壓倍壓整流電路C25,C26,D9和D10,在整流電路Q9和U2A。 CRT的加熱器線圈接通信號上有極高。

Voltage signals, approximately 300Vp-p,become extracted from the high voltage coil and used as modulated signals forblanking. This is necessary for employing signals from blanking amplifiers Q15,Q6, and Q7 for the cathode potential. The modulated signals drive the DCregeneration circuits, D11-D14, C23 and C24, and provide signals forcontrolling the brightness of the CRT G1 electrode.

電壓信號,約300Vp-P,成為提取高電壓線圈和用於調製信號的消隱。用人陰極電位放大器Q15,Q6和Q7消隱信號,這是必要的。調製信號驅動直流再生電路,D11-D14,C23和C24,並提供信號控制亮度的CRT G1電極。

Q10-Q12 are transistors for controlling thefocus and they achieve high pressure resistance by being cascade connected. R50and R51 are circuits which provide specific voltage to the CRT G2 electrode,while Q13 and Q14 are those for driving the rotation coil.

Q10-Q12是重點控制晶體管和他們實現耐高壓,被級聯。 R50和R51提供具體的CRT G2電極電壓的電路,而Q13和Q14驅動旋轉的線圈。

X81-2810-00B/3 Circuit

Q1 is turned ON/OFF by switching signalsfor the calibration from the power supply system. Calibration voltage (100kHz)becomes generated in R3 and R4.

Q1導通開關信號的ON / OFF供電系統的校準。校準電壓(100kHz時)變為R3和R4中產生。

VR1-VR4 are either semi-fixed or adjustableresistors for adjusting the CRT`s astigmatism, correcting the CRT`s tracerotation, adjusting the CRT`s focus and brightness.


X66-1100-00A/2 Circuit
X66-1100-00A/2 電路

S1, S2, S4, and S5 are switches which determinethe conditions of motion and control the vertical and horizontal systems. VR4and VR5 determine the vertical position of each vertical channel, while VR1determines the horizontal positions. S3 determines the trigger slope and Q6determines the polarity of CH2.

確定運動的條件和控制水平和垂直系統的開關S1和S2,S4和S5。 VR4和VR5確定每個垂直通道的垂直位置,而VR1的確定水平位置。 S3決定觸發斜率和Q6決定的CH2極性。


KENWOOD CS-402520MHz示波器服務手冊 翻譯本.rar (36.1 KB, 下載次數: 91)

後續再慢慢把需要閱讀的資料做翻譯!!   :sam37



To obtain the best performance,periodically calibrate the unit. Sometimes, only one mode need be calibrated,while at other times, all modes should be calibrated. When one mode iscalibrated, it must be noted that the other modes may be affected, Whencalibrating all modes, perform the calibration in the specified sequence.


The following calibration required anaccurate measuring instrument and an insulated flat blade screwdriver. If theyare not available, contact your dealer. For optimum adjustment, turn the poweron and warm up the scope sufficiently (more then 30 minutes) before starting.


Before calibrating the scope, check thepower supply voltage.




The following instrument or theirequivalent should be used for making adjustment.


  Test Equipment
  Minimum Specification
  Digital Multimeter
  Impedance: More than 10MΩ, Measuring  range: 0.01 V to 199 V
  阻抗:10MΩ以上,測量範圍:0.01 V至199V
  Sine-Wave Generator
  651 B (YHP)
  Frequency: 10 Hz to 10 MHz, constant  voltage over tuning range.
  頻率:10 Hz至10 MHz,對調諧範圍的恆定電壓。
  Sine-Wave Generator
  SG-503 (Tektronix)
  Frequency: 50 KHz to 100 MHz, Output  impedance: 50 Ω, constant voltage over tuning range.
  頻率:50 kHz至100兆赫,輸出阻抗:50Ω,對調諧範圍的恆定電壓。
  Square-Wave Generator
  PG-506 (Tektronix)
  Output signal: 1 kHz, Amplitude: 10 mVp-p  to 10 Vp-p, Accuracy: within ±1%, Rise time: 35ns or less
  100 kHz, Rise time: 1 ns or less
  輸出信號:1千赫,振幅:10 mVp-p 至10 Vp-p,精度:±1%以內,上升時間為35ns或更少
  Q Meter
  4343B (YHP)
  Color Pattern Generator
  475A (Tektronix)
  Sensitivity: more than 5 mV
  Frequency response: More than 250 MHz
  Time-Maker Generator
  TG-501 (Tektronix)
  Time mark: 0.5 s to 0.1 µs  repetive waveform
  Time mark: 0.5 m to 0.1 µs repetitive  waveform
  High-Voltage probe
  Input Impedance: 1000 MΩ
  Impedance: 50 Ω
  Accuracy: within 3%
  3 watts type impedance: 50Ω
  -20 dB attenuation (50Ω)
  -20 dB衰減(50Ω)


Control Settings
The control settings listed below must beused for each adjustment procedure.
Exceptions to these settings will be notedas occur. After completing a adjustment, return the controls to the followingsettings.


  12 o`clock
  12 o`clock
  10 mV/div
  Fully clockwise
  12 o`clock
  Fully clockwise
  0.2 ms
  X10 MAG
  Optimum position
  12 o`clock after adjustment

重點提示:在開始校正調整前,必須將示波器的開關、旋鈕依照上表指定位置設置,12 o`clock代表旋鈕要調整至中心位置。




發表於 2012-6-4 22:43:14 | 顯示全部樓層

您真有心!! ...真的要尊稱您為"示波器達人"



 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-4 23:52:38 | 顯示全部樓層
arthur0518 發表於 2012-6-4 10:43 PM static/image/common/back.gif

您真有心!! ...真的要尊稱您為"示波器達人"

我還是菜鳥!!  對基本原理也還沒搞懂!!  只是多花時間研究、測試而已!!



既然已經要翻譯了,不如做成紀錄,提供站上網友利用,一同分享啦!!  :sam05
發表於 2012-6-5 01:07:56 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2012-6-5 01:11:03 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-5 01:32:00 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 eson0724 於 2012-6-5 01:34 AM 編輯
carl0804 發表於 2012-6-5 01:11 AM static/image/common/back.gif


那這台IWATSU_SS-7802A 7810 7805 7804 示波器的手冊,你要搞一下嗎!!:sam05


http://bbs.pigoo.com/thread-38265-1-1.html        :sam37
發表於 2012-6-5 06:53:13 | 顯示全部樓層
X81-2810-00 B/3電路

Q1 is turned ON/OFF by switching signals for the calibration from the power supply system. Calibration voltage (100kHz) becomes generated in R3 and R4.

Q1導通開關信號的ON / OFF供電系統的校準。校準電壓(100kHz時)變為R3和R4中產生。
VR1-VR4 are either semi-fixed or adjustable resistors for adjusting the CRT`s astigmatism, correcting the CRT`s trace rotation, adjusting the CRT`s focus and brightness.

VR1到VR4是調整CRT散光, 光蹟旋轉,聚焦和亮度的半固定或可調電阻。
X66-1100-00 A/2 Circuit
X66-1100-00 A/2 電路

S1, S2, S4, and S5 are switches which determine the conditions of motion and control the vertical and horizontal systems. VR4 and VR5 determine the vertical position of each vertical channel, while VR1 determines the horizontal positions. S3 determines the trigger slope and Q6 determines the polarity of CH2.

確定運動的條件和控制水平和垂直系統的開關S1和S2,S4和S5。 VR4和VR5確定每個垂直通道的垂直位置,而VR1的確定水平位置。 S3決定觸發斜率和Q6決定的CH2極性。

S1,S2,S4和S5是設定移動及和控制水平和垂直系統狀況的開關。 VR4和VR5設定各個垂直通道的垂直位置,VR1設定水平位置。 S3設定觸發斜率和S6設定CH2極性。




發表於 2012-6-5 15:03:21 | 顯示全部樓層
這位朋友真是有心, 那俺也來湊個熱鬧. 經過好幾位老師的指點, 俺詳細研究了電源板那段.
這是俺理解的部份, 希望無誤,


Low Voltage Circuit

U1 constitutes an HIC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_integrated_circuit) for controlling 4 circuit lines consisting of those for +/-8V, +140V, and +5V, Each voltage becomes determined based on -8V.

U1是 HIC 封裝的控制電路, 負責調節4路供電, 包括 +/-8V, +140V, +5V, 微調 VR1, -8V會改變, 且會一併影響其他的3路的電壓.

Switching signals for CAL output are extracted from the output of +140V rectifier diode D1.

橋式整流 D1 輸出是 +140V 的供電來源, 此未經濾波的兩倍電源頻率的訊號, 經過 R9, C8, 用作 CAL 校正訊號.

The +10V circuits , D6 and C10, are unstable and constitute a power source for the horizontal sweep HIC.

D6和C10, 提供 +10 V電源, 半波整流後無穩壓,作為 HIC 封裝的水平掃描控制電路的電源.


下面是俺研讀和理解電源供應板所劃的簡圖, 按照俺容易理解的排列重劃而已, 左輸入, 右輸出的.

只包括 U1, 各路供電的部分.

電源板高壓部份還在消化中, 沒劃.


KENWOOD CS-4205 power rails.jpg
 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-5 15:07:12 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-5 15:22:26 | 顯示全部樓層
cnpan 發表於 2012-6-5 06:53 AM static/image/common/back.gif
X81-2810-00 B/3電路


發表於 2012-6-5 21:47:44 | 顯示全部樓層
The attenuators of channel 1 and 2basically consist of rotary switches and passive elements (resistors,condensers, and trimmer condensers) on PC boards. The resistors have aprecision of 0.5% for minimizing any error between the steps of theattenuators.

Vertical input signals from the BNC inputreceptacle enter the first-stage attenuator circuit, along the path selected bythe AC-GND-DC switch. Then they pass through either attenuator 1/1, 1/10, or1/100, along the path selected by the vertical rotary switch, and become inputinto the 1st preamplifier (first-stage buffer amplifier).

垂直信號由BNC插座輸入後,進入第一階段的衰減電路,經AC-GND-DC開關選擇的路徑。然後經開關選擇衰減1/1,1/10或1/100,再 輸入第一前置放大器(第一階段緩衝放大器)。
The 1st preamplifier consists ofU1 and Q1  (CH2 : U2 and Q2). The elementused for U1 features a wide dynamic range and minimized temperature drifting.U1 functions in the preamplifier as a circuit in which temperature drifting isconsidered. Input signals, impedance converted in this buffer amplifier, arcsent to the second-stage attenuator where they are passed through eitherattenuator 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, or 1/10. They are then sent to the verticalamplifier. The second-stage attenuator constitutes a low impedance resistancenetwork with favorable frequency characteristics. The resistors used, as isthose of the first-stage attenuator, have a precision of 0.5% for minimizingany error between the steps of the attenuators. The rotary switches in thisstage include one which increases the gain of the preamplifier to 5-fold whenthe sensitivity is 1 mV/div or 2 mV/div.

U1和Q1(CH2:U2和Q2)1前置放大器組成。元素用於U1的功能很寬的動態範圍,並盡量減少溫度漂移。 U1中的前置放大器溫度漂移在其中被認為是電路的功能。輸入信號,在此緩衝放大器轉換阻抗,電弧發送到第二階段的衰減或者衰減1/1,1/2,1/4,1/10,通過他們在那裡通過。然後將它們發送到垂直放大器。第二階段的衰減器構成的低阻抗電阻網絡具有良好的頻率特性。使用的電阻,是第一階段的衰減,有0.5%的精度,為最大限度地減少衰減器的步驟之間的任何錯誤。在這個階段,旋轉開關,包括增加前置放大器的增益為5倍時,靈敏度為1 mV /格或2 mV /格。
U1和Q1(CH2:U2和Q2)組成前置放大器。U1的主要功能是寬的動態範圍,並微小化溫度漂移。 U1是在前置放大器功能中的微小溫度漂移電路。輸入信號,在此緩衝放大器轉換阻抗,再送到第二階段的衰減1/1,1/2,1/4或1/10。然後送到垂直放大器。第二階段的衰減器構成的低阻抗電阻網絡具有良好的頻率特性。使用的電阻是與第一階段的衰減電阻相同的0.5%的精度,微小化衰減器切換造成的誤差。在這個階段,旋轉開關靈敏度為1 mV /格或2 mV /格,放大器的增益為5倍 。

Q1 (Q2) is provided in the input circuit asa diode equivalent for protecting the elements (U1 and U2) during a greatamplitude input.


TC1 (51) and TC3 (53) are input capacitanceregulators for attenuator 1/10 and 1/100, respectively; while TC2 (52) and TC4(54) are 1 KHz square wave characteristic regulators for attenuator 1/10 and1/100. VR1 (51) and VR2 (52) are step DC balance regulators for attenuators,the former is for user use with adjustment enabled from the front panel.

TC1(51)和TC3(53)分別是衰減1/10和1/100的輸入電容調節,當 TC2(52)和TC4(54)是衰減1/10和1 / 100的1 kHz方波特性電容調節。 VR1(51)和VR2(52)一步衰減直流平衡調節,前者是用戶從面板中啟用調整使用。
TC1(51)和TC3(53)分別是輸入衰減1/10和1/100的電容調節; TC2(52)和TC4(54)是衰減1/10和1 / 100的1 kHz方波的特徵調節。 VR1的(51)和VR2(52)是衰減器的步進直流平衡調節,前者是使用者可以在面板中調整。
 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-5 23:08:37 | 顯示全部樓層
cnpan 發表於 2012-6-5 09:47 PM static/image/common/back.gif
The attenuators of channel 1 and 2basically consist of rot ...

CNPAN大的註釋,我已經加入電子檔中!!  :sam30
 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-8 19:55:25 | 顯示全部樓層

調整部分!!  含註解  HIC


To obtain the best performance,periodically calibrate the unit. Sometimes, only one mode need be calibrated, whileat other times, all modes should be calibrated. When one mode is calibrated, itmust be noted that the other modes may be affected, When calibrating all modes,perform the calibration in the specified sequence.


The following calibration required anaccurate measuring instrument and an insulated flat blade screwdriver. If theyare not available, contact your dealer. For optimum adjustment, turn the poweron and warm up the scope sufficiently (more then 30 minutes) before starting.


Before calibrating the scope, check thepower supply voltage.


重點提示:通常需要校正的只有一種使用的模式,但是只調整這個模式會影響到其他使用模式的準確度,要進行校正時,必須在指定的順序下調整 (調整所需儀器、示波器旋鈕、開關及調整順序如下表),調整前須將示波器熱機30分鐘以上再進行調整。


The following instrument or theirequivalent should be used for making adjustment.


  Test Equipment
  Minimum Specification
  Digital Multimeter
  Impedance: More than 10MΩ, Measuring  range: 0.01 V to 199 V
  阻抗:10MΩ以上,測量範圍:0.01 V至199V
  Sine-Wave Generator
  651 B (YHP)
  Frequency: 10 Hz to 10 MHz, constant  voltage over tuning range.
  頻率:10 Hz至10 MHz,對調諧範圍的恆定電壓。
  Sine-Wave Generator
  SG-503 (Tektronix)
  Frequency: 50 KHz to 100 MHz, Output  impedance: 50 Ω, constant voltage over tuning range.
  頻率:50 kHz至100兆赫,輸出阻抗:50Ω,對調諧範圍的恆定電壓。
  Square-Wave Generator
  PG-506 (Tektronix)
  Output signal: 1 kHz, Amplitude: 10 mVp-p  to 10 Vp-p, Accuracy: within ±1%, Rise time: 35ns or less
  100 kHz, Rise time: 1 ns or less
  輸出信號:1千赫,振幅:10 mVp-p 至10 Vp-p,精度:±1%以內,上升時間為35ns或更少
  Q Meter
  4343B (YHP)
  Color Pattern Generator
  475A (Tektronix)
  Sensitivity: more than 5 mV
  Frequency response: More than 250 MHz
  Time-Maker Generator
  TG-501 (Tektronix)
  Time mark: 0.5 s to 0.1 µs  repetive waveform
  Time mark: 0.5 m to 0.1 µs repetitive  waveform
  High-Voltage probe
  Input Impedance: 1000 MΩ
  Impedance: 50 Ω
  Accuracy: within 3%
  3 watts type impedance: 50Ω
  -20 dB attenuation (50Ω)
  -20 dB衰減(50Ω)


Control Settings
The control settings listed below must beused for each adjustment procedure.
Exceptions to these settings will be notedas occur. After completing a adjustment, return the controls to the followingsettings.


  12 o`clock
  12 o`clock
  10 mV/div
  Fully clockwise
  12 o`clock
  Fully clockwise
  0.2 ms
  X10 MAG
  Optimum position
  12 o`clock after adjustment

重點提示:在開始校正調整前,必須將示波器的開關、旋鈕依照上表指定位置設置,12 o`clock代表旋鈕要調整至中心位置。



  Supply voltage
  Adjust VR1 to give-8.00 V at pin P1-6.
  MODE:   X-Y
  With a spot on the screen, turn the  INTENSITY knob to a 9 o`clock position and then adjust VR2 until the spot  disappears.
  模式: X-Y
  CRT center
  CH2: 50 mV/div, GND
  Pull and push INV to find a position of  POSITION knob where the luminescent line dose not vary.
  CH2的:50 mV / div時,接地
  Y operating point
  Position after CRT center adjustment.
  Adjust VR104 to give +57.0V at pin P6-1.
  X operating point
  MODE:   X-Y
  X-POSITION: center
  Adjust VR301 to give +68.0V at pin P7-1.
  模式: X-Y
  MODE:   X-Y
  INTENSITY: 12 o`clock
  FOCUS: 12 o`clock
  CH1,2: 50 mV/DIV, GND
  Adjust the spot “.” To the best position  with the ASTIG knob and VR3.
  *Best position = smallest spot
  模式: X-Y
  CH1和2:50 mV / div時,接地
  CH1 Step ATT Balance
  CH1: GND
  Adjust VR2 so that the luminescent line  does not vary when switching between 1 mV/DIV and 2mV/DIV.
  調整VR2的發光線1 mV / div及2mV/DIV之間切換時不發生變化。
  CH1 MAG Balance
  CH1: GND
  Adjust VR3 so that the luminescent line  does not vary when switching between 2 mV/DIV and 5mV/DIV.
  調整VR3的發光線2 mV / div及5mV/DIV之間切換時不發生變化。
  CH2 Step ATT Balance
  CH2: GND
  Adjust VR52 so that the luminescent line  does not vary when switching between 1 mV/DIV and 2mV/DIV.
  調整VR52,使發光線1 mV / div及2mV/DIV之間切換時不發生變化。
  CH2 MAG Balance
  CH2: GND
  Adjust VR53 so that the luminescent line  does not vary when switching between 1 mV/DIV and 2mV/DIV.
  調整VR53的發光線2 mV / div及5mV/DIV之間切換時不發生變化。
  ADD Position
  CH1,2: GND
  Bring the luminescent line to the center  for both CH1 and CH2. Switch V-MODE to ADD and adjust VR101 so that the  luminescent line comes to the center.
  帶來的CH1和CH2的中心發光線。 V型模式切換,新增和調整VR101的發光行的中心。
  Apply a 1kHz square wave to CH1 INPUT (  with the amplitude extending over 6 div. ) Adjust so that CH1 ATT waveform is  flat for both 10mV/DIV and 1mV/DIV ranges.
  10mV/DIV: VR5
  1mV/DIV: VR4
  1 MHz方波應用到CH1(延長幅度超過6節。)
  1MHz overshoot
  CH2的1 MHz的衝
  Apply a 1 MHz square wave to CH2 (with the  amplitude extending over 6 div.)
  Adjust the overshoot with TC56.
  1 MHz方波應用到CH2(延長幅度超過6節。)

Hybrid integrated circuit
From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia
A hybridintegrated circuit, HIC, hybrid microcircuit, or simply hybrid is a miniaturized electronic circuitconstructed of individual devices, such as semiconductor devices (e.g. transistors and diodes) and passivecomponents (e.g. resistors, inductors, transformers, and capacitors), bonded to asubstrate orprinted circuit board (PCB). Hybrid circuits are often encapsulated in epoxy, as shown in the photo. Ahybrid circuit serves as a component on a PCB in the same way as a monolithic integrated circuit; the difference betweenthe two types of devices is in how they are constructed and manufactured. Theadvantage of hybrid circuits is that components which cannot be included in amonolithic IC can be used, e.g., capacitors of large value, wound components,crystals.
Thick film technology is often used as the interconnecting medium for hybrid integratedcircuits. The use of screen printed thick film interconnect provides advantagesof versatility over thin film although feature sizes may be larger anddeposited resistors wider in tolerance. Multi-layer thick film is a techniquefor further improvements in integration using a screen printed insulatingdielectric to ensure connections between layers are made only where required.One key advantage for the circuit designer is complete freedom in the choice ofresistor value in thick film technology. Planar resistors are also screenprinted and included in the thick film interconnect design. The composition anddimensions of resistors can be selected to provide desired values. The finalresistor value is determined by design and can be adjusted by laser trimming. Once thehybrid circuit is fully populated with components, fine tuning prior to finaltest may be achieved by active laser trimming.
Some modern hybrid circuit technologies, suchas LTCC-substrate hybrids, allow for embedding of components within thelayers of a multi-layer substrate in addition to components placed on thesurface of the substrate. This technology produces a circuit that is, to somedegree, three-dimensional.

如一些現代混合電路技術,低溫共燒陶瓷基板的雜交種 ​​,允許嵌入層的多層基板的組件,除了基材表面貼裝元件。此技術生產的是,在一定程度上,立體電路。

 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-8 20:00:36 | 顯示全部樓層

附上電子檔,希望有能力的先進能再將內容充實??  :sam06

KENWOOD CS-402520MHz示波器服務手冊 翻譯本.rar (241.28 KB, 下載次數: 75)

發表於 2012-6-8 22:49:26 | 顯示全部樓層
电源板上那个U1 就是HIC,采用的工艺叫做厚膜工艺,就是在陶瓷基板上印刷。也称厚膜电路。
發表於 2012-6-11 14:31:50 | 顯示全部樓層
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