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看完技術手冊, 是可以如你說的, IR 接受後, 轉成訊號, 資料如下:
google 翻譯:
5.13。 紅外線傳輸/接收模組
RXTX 是 GPM6P1009A 的類比模組,可驅動 IR LED
透過TX,可以將IR LED感應電流轉換為數位訊號。
RX_SEN 暫存器可以控制該區塊。 使用者可以調節 PWM
透過設定 PWMDRV[0] 的值來確定輸出驅動能力,以及
透過 SENSE [1:0] 調整 Rx 模組的靈敏度。 同時,由
將 TACAPS 的值設為“1”,即可輸入擷取訊號
MOS。 當處於 PWM 模式時,定時器 A 可以產生 PWM 訊號,
且 PWM 佔空比、頻率、開/關切換均可精確
定時器指令。 RX 模組將感應電流轉換為數位訊號
5.13. IR Transfer/Receiver Module
RXTX is an analog block of GPM6P1009A which can drive IR LED
by TX, and can translate the IR LED sense current to digital signal.
RX_SEN register can control this block. User can adjust PWM
output driving capability by setting value of PWMDRV [0], and
adjust the sensitivity of Rx block by SENSE [1:0]. Meanwhile, by
setting the value of TACAPS to ‘1’, capture signal can be input
from PB3 pin.
TMAPWM signal (as showed in Figure 5-47) controls LED driver
MOS. When in PWM mode, Timer A can generate PWM signal,
and the PWM duty, frequency, on/off switch can be accuracy
controlled by Timer A. The Envelope PWM signal can be
generated by Timer A and Timer B. And it has been illustrated in
timer instruction. RX block translates sense current to digital
signal RXOUT, and RXOUT is sent to Timer A block, which can get
the carrier frequency in capture mode. |