發表於 2019-6-2 21:58:39
1. 直接買變頻器成品 (這項目不符 antlu大)
2. 割開線路, 插入一個 50Hz 訊號源給計時器 (破壞原好的電鐘成品,好像也不是大大風格)
此種電子鐘使用的基頻信號來源是市電頻率50Hz經除頻電路產生 1Hz信號
因除頻是固定(除 50)
現在用60Hz(除 50)=1.2Hz 當然時鐘變快了
3. PIC 12F675 加 C語言兜一個簡易變頻器 (這比較適合 阿乾大大的功力與時空環境)
參考資訊 : Zero-error 1 second Timer
[size=-1]Converting 60Hz to 50Hz (10 : 12);
Generate exactly 10 pulses for each 60Hz mains pulse Generate a 50Hz push-pull output from 12 pulses
The push-pull waveforms I saw on the 'scope were very nice, with jitterthat was only a couple of uS. This requires a 4MHz xtal to make the precisepulse periods, AND a properly smoothed 12v AC half-cycle waveform (from a 12v AC transformer) to detect the incoming mains frequency.If your mains frequency is a bit rough it will still produce a perfectfreq output, but the jitter may be larger. I suggest using the parts valuesshown above for the incoming mains freq.