本文章最後由 scottwang 於 2015-7-28 03:09 AM 編輯
嚴重病毒信件,大家請注意,標題 : copy,寄件者 : belinda.taylor小老鼠bssgroup.com。
剛開始以為是好康的,生意上門了,但是內文只寫 : as requested,意思就是去打開附件,一打開就中計了,所以不敢大意去打開,所以就在google查了一下,真的不是好康的.
copy bssgroup.com – word doc or excel xls spreadsheet malware
An email with a subject simply saying copy pretending to come from belinda.taylor小老鼠bssgroup.com with a malicious word doc or Excel XLS spreadsheet attachment is another one from the current bot runs which try to download various Trojans and password stealers especially banking credential stealers, which may include cridex, dridex, dyreza and various Zbots, cryptolocker, ransomware and loads of other malware on your computer. They are using email addresses and subjects that will entice a user to read the email and open the attachment. A very high proportion are being targeted at small and medium size businesses, with the hope of getting a better response than they do from consumers.
一封電子郵件,只有標題寫著:copy,發信者是 : belinda.taylor小老鼠bssgroup.com,附檔裡有一個惡意Word文檔或Excel電子表格XLS附件的,我的是*.docm檔,當你打開電子郵件附檔後,當前運作的機器人它會嘗試下載各種木馬和盜取密碼,尤其是盜取銀行憑證,其中可能包括cridex,dridex,dyreza和各種Zbots,cryptolocker,勒索軟體和其他惡意軟體下載到電腦上。
更多的英文細節,請看以下連結 :
copy bssgroup.com – word doc or excel xls spreadsheet malware.