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發表於 2014-6-3 15:15:17
本帖最後由 et1109 於 2014-6-3 03:17 PM 編輯
lazy104 發表於 2014-6-3 11:58 AM 
Dave大大, Panasonic EN Series已經於 2012 EOL ,按理日本也買不到了, 請參考附檔~
TO Dave
底下是外國論壇上Jay_Diddy_B告知DIY FLUKE 289改金電容(189 289都使用同一顆)的兩種方式
I can report two DIY fixes of Fluke 289s.
Unit 1
Symptoms: unit works fine, all reading correct, kills the batteries in a few days, even if switched off.
Measured current consumption around 30 mA when off. Removed the CAP C145, off current dropped to 45uA
Connected C145 to power supply, set 3.3V with mA meter in series. Test confirmed bad supercap.
Fix: Replaced the super capacitor with Panasonic Coin Super Capacitor 0.33F 5.5V EEC-S0HD334H
(This is larger than the original but it can be made to fit)
Unit 2
Symptoms: unit works fine, all reading correct, loses time and data if batteries are removed for about 10 minutes
Measured current consumption around 2 mA when off. Removed the CAP C145, off current dropped to 45uA
Connected C145 to power supply, set 3.3V with mA meter in series. Test confirmed bad supercap.
Fix: Replaced the super capacitor with Panasonic Coin Super Capacitor 0.33F 5.5V EEC-S0HD334H
(This is larger than the original but it can be made to fit)
I think that Panasonic was optimistic in rating the original part at 3.3V. Typical values are 2.7V for a single capacitor and 5.5V for the parts that internally have two capacitors in series.
Unit 3
This is a unit that I purchased new and has very few hours of use. The current consumption of this meter was 45uA when off.