發表於 2015-3-26 08:45:21
Notes :
1. All GND(ground) pins should be connected together to the LCD module’s metal frame.
2. All V
LCD(power input) pins should be connected together.
3. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644 Standard. (Please see the Appendix X)
4. Specific pins(pin No. #2~#6) are used for internal data process of the LCD module.
If not used, these pins are no connection.
5. LVDS pin (pin No. #24,25,40,41) are used for 10Bit(D) of the LCD module.
If used for 8Bit(R), these pins are no connection.
6. Specific pin No. #44 is used for “No signal detection”
of system signal interface.
It should be GND for NSB(No Signal Black) during the system interface signal is not.
If this pin is “H”, LCD Module displays AGP(Auto Generation Pattern).