Design Reference - Op Amps for everyone, from TI.
這是一份由TI所發表的Op Amp設計參考手冊,所寫給每一個對於Op Amp有興趣,而想更進一步了解時用的,我是把它當做設計時或者有問題時的參考手冊,裡面有許多的公式範例,總共有464頁.
1. The Op Amp’s Place In The World.
2. Review of Circuit Theory.
3. Development of the Ideal Op Amp Equations.
4. Single Supply Op Amp Design Techniques.
5. Feedback and Stability Theory.
6. Development of the Non Ideal Op Amp Equations.
7. Voltage-Feedback Op Amp Compensation.
8. Current-Feedback Op Amp Analysis.
9. Voltage- and Current-Feedback Op Amp Comparison.
10. Op Amp Noise Theory and Applications.
11. Understanding Op Amp Parameters.
12. Instrumentation: Sensors to A/D Converters
13. Wireless Communication: Signal Conditioning for IF Sampling.
14. Interfacing D/A Converters to Loads.
15. Sine Wave Oscillators.
16. Active Filter Design Techniques.
17. Circuit Board Layout Techniques.
18. Designing Low-Voltage Op Amp Circuits.
A. Single-Supply Circuit Collection.
B. Single-Supply Op Amp Selection Guide.
Design Guide For OP-AMP.zip
(1.73 MB, 下載次數: 80)