
樓主 |
發表於 2011-11-30 17:23:09
請問 有FAIL ++ Acq情況下
示波器會工作嗎?? 數值 波形量測正常嗎?
目前channel 2 .3 4 電壓使用上都數值蠻正常的 (沒校正過 與三用電表比)
可以autoset trig zoom ....使用上都正常
而channel 1 目前懷疑跟前面板上的那顆嚴重鏽蝕電容有關 清潔後有一端電極 輕微損壞
http://www.electronicspoint.com/ ... k-scope-t57567.html
修理漏液方法 提供清潔思考方向
You have to CLEAN the board. First one I fixed, symptoms got better
every time I cleaned it. About the fourth time, it started working.
Clean the whole board, both sides. I found electrolyte droplets far
from any caps. If you try to spot-clean you'll just move the gunk around.
Use something like Simple Green and a stiff toothbrush. Clean the CRAP
out of it. You have to get the invisible coating out from under the
chips. I used an Xacto knife to scrape gunk from between IC pins.
Sprayed cleaner HARD in attempt to force it under chips.
Cleaned it again with 99% Isopropyl Alcohol.
Dried with a hair dryer then let it sit overnight on the heater vent.
There's a reason for the two cleanings. Some stuff dissolves in the
cleaner that won't in alcohol and vice versa.
Took FOUR cycles of this before I got it all working. At the start, I
was very timid about scrubbing the board. By the end, my scrubbing was
最後大招 整片PCB拿去洗碗機洗..........真猛